Seriously Fun - The Car Connection

I've loved all things cars since I was 3 years old sitting on a stack of tires in the garage while the Datsun engineers tuned my dad's rally car.
When I lived further north I knew the Okanagan was a hot bed for hot rods, a home of clean and pristine vintage and custom cars. When we moved here, it became really obvious. This is where the good cars are - and we are happy to show them off!
Now that I'm all grown up and I live in car paradise, I get to use my Little Red Beetle as part of my business, and I get to participate in and sponsor community car events. How cool is that?
I'll tell you how cool it is: It's Seriously Fun!
Sun Valley Cruise-In
The Sun Valley Cruise-In has been a favourite of ours since we moved here! Just a beautiful display of cars all through downtown one evening, and all over gorgeous Polson Park the next day.
My Little Red Beetle made her debut there last year, and this year, we are one of the sponsors!
This year there will be live music on main street, a rockabilly social downtown, and a pin up contest and all sorts of prizes. Click here to register your own beauty on wheels - and even sign up for back-country cruise if you want to!
See you there!

Tuesdays At The Green
I've loved all things cars since I was 4 years old sitting on the brake cabinet in the garage while the Datsun engineers tuned my dad's rally car.
Now that I'm all grown up, I get to use my Little Red Beetle as part of my business, and I get to participate in and sponsor community car events. How cool is that?