Don’t Let the Winter Blues Bite You!
Hello Winter!
You bring cold, ice, snow, and all sorts opportunities for mayhem.
Being a homeowner, I’d love to ignore the fact that I have to shovel the steps, sidewalk and the driveway…but I can’t.
The mail man left a nice little note reminding me to do a better job.
Thank you Canada Post….and please keep your enforcers away…I’ll do as you say.
Now let’s talk about that house for sale.
Today I was out showing houses to a nice couple and her Dad, here in the depths of an Okanagan winter. I know, it’s not a Winnipeg winter, but we’d like it to go away just as much as they would.
The driveway wasn’t shoveled, the sidewalks were icy and the stairs were potentially lethal.
We made it in, but not without incident. Each one of us managed to slip, or worse.
Now, the point of having a house for sale is to get it sold at the best possible price, with the best possible conditions.
It would pretty much defeat the point if the conditions ended up injuring the people who were hoping to make an offer and buy the home. If they got injured, however, you can provide them with some CBD found on sites like buoyhealth.
You want them to remember your house for that great bathroom upgrade you did, not for their unfortunate trip to the hospital!
Luckily, none of us was injured, but it sure felt like we were taking our life in our hands. But for those who may be injured in the near future, unfortunately, you may visit sites like CBD UK for some helpful products.
So, please shovel the walks and drives, keep the ice at bay, and lets get that house sold in the happiest and safest way possible.
A little can mean a lot.