About John Deak

I love this business. I love getting the chance to help awesome people - like you! - with some of the biggest transactions you'll ever face.
Buying a home, selling a home - whether it's your dream home or an investment property, whether you are downsizing or growing your family, no matter your reason - it's a big deal. A serious deal.
I've got the experience, expertise and attitude to not only help you buy or sell, but also to have fun doing it!
Real estate deals don't always go as smoothly as we'd like, and there are a few things that can help us reach the successful conclusion you want. Knowledge, tenacity, creativity and a robust sense of humour!
Time and again that's how we get it done - and how we find or sell your next home!
I can't do this stuff alone. You need to meet my "Pit Crew", too!
Want a reason to work with me?
Full Service Real Estate
Your real estate transaction is a big deal. I dive in with all my knowledge, skills and service to make it happen.
Call me, I'll Answer
When you call - or text - 250-549-9022, I know you don't want to wait. On the odd occasion when I can't answer immediately, I'll call back soon.
Seriously Fun
Real Estate is serious business, but I do what I can to make it Seriously Fun!
Persistent and Diligent
We take care of the details - and when the unusual happens, we find a way to work with it so you still get what you need.
Meet Teresa
You know what's seriously fun? Getting to work with the coolest, smartest, most colourful human I know while I help you!
Behind the scenes, Teresa helps bring all the pieces together and keeps us on track. She brings her administrative experience, creative mind and tech skills to be sure your deal goes as smoothly as it can.
She's colourful, smart and seriously fun. And she's been my partner in life for more than 30 years. So, of course, she's also my partner in business.
We take the best of our different and complimentary skills to bring you a high octane full service approach to satisfying your real estate quest.

Sometimes the best things in life come back to us.
Back in 1980, I got my driver's license in a 1962 Beetle. Her engine broke on the way home and she sat, waiting for me - and then others who took her on - to fix her and fix her up.
Who would have guessed that 35 years later, I'd be driving the better, brighter, faster, louder, more seriously fun version of her?
Yes, she came back to me just in time to be part of our Seriously Fun Real Estate team. When you list your home* with me, the Little Red Beetle will hold up the Open House sign**. When you're buying with me, if you want a ride in her, we'll take the Little Red Beetle to showings.
She's fun, and she's ready for action.
*in the Vernon area, **weather permitting

John & Teresa's Work in the Community
Vernon has been our home for the last decade, and we love it here! How better to show our love than to give something back when we can! From participating in the annual Food Drive, to being a sponsor at car shows and dog-friendly events, we focus on giving in Seriuosly Fun ways.